I have too much free time, an overactive mind, a sarcastic ass like quality, and I think my cat's better than yours. So, I started a blog. Welcome to madness, this is Jelly v. Jam.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Triumphant Return

Well, here we go, back in business after a rather lengthy hiatus.  You may be wondering what could keep such an up and coming blog from updating, and the answer, which is most certainly not whiskey related (unlike my first marriage), is vacation.  I decided to go on a rather lengthy trip to the Indian sub-continent to find myself and to once and for all find the difference between jelly and jam.  But more on that later.

The problems that arose from this trip are numerous.  My editor and Chief of Staff, who was responsible for Jelly v. Jam in my absence suffered from writers block.

Partially due to a lacking of fingers, and mostly due to spending his time with Kitty porn.  The shit I have found in my search history is ridiculous.  I had no idea there was such a site as 2cats1dish.ca--and I never wanted to know.  Though some of the Japanese stuff he found was decent... good work, Paws!

More to come, stay tuned!

1 comment:

guess who said...

I resent that whiskey/first marriage comment!